Later another message: ‘I had shedloads of pages marked in this one, just went into the living room and Theo has taken them all out.’ I laughed. And then: ‘And I had to say thanks because he was really proud he’d been so helpful.’ Theo (of the Patchwork blanket) is comin...
or so, and you’ll find amazing ways to use them: clean counterbores for bolt heads, overlapping holes for clearing out almost all the wood in a mortise, decorative cutouts, dog holes in bench tops, and too much more to mention here. Forsner bits make lovely decorative details, and dr...
The technical foundation of a PWA is provided by service workers. A service worker is a code that your browser processes in the background to enable offline work for web applications. It intercepts and handles network requests, acting as an intermediary between your browser and the network. With...
Hi Guys. we just got the Dell Power Edge T610 server today with the 8 X 600Gb hard drive in and I set the first 2 drives up in RAID 10 and drives 3 – 6 up in Raid 1, however I need to configure the remaining drives as hot spares to one of the partitions. Any gui...
These frameworks are similar to classic marketing processes, but are adapted for the GTM context. Learn more in this guide to strategic marketing processes and planning. Here are four potential GTM strategy frameworks: Four Ps (Product, Price, Place, Promotion): The foundation of a classic ...
推荐意见 7:强烈建议 KOA 患者使用局部 NSAIDs(A1). 推荐意见8:如果没有禁忌证或发生心血管风险和/或 胃肠道疾患的危险因素 ,NSAIDs可 被作为治疗 KOA 的一线药物(B1). 表3 老年 KOA 患者的常用止痛药物 药物 外用 NSAIDs 口服 NSAIDs 弱阿片类 抗抑郁药 推荐 轻,中度疼痛尤其是疼痛 部位局限时的首选...
推荐意见 7:强烈建议 KOA 患者使用局部 NSAIDs(A1). 推荐意见8:如果没有禁忌证或发生心血管风险和/或 胃肠道疾患的危险因素 ,NSAIDs可 被作为治疗 KOA 的一线药物(B1). 表3 老年 KOA 患者的常用止痛药物 药物 外用 NSAIDs 口服 NSAIDs 弱阿片类 抗抑郁药 推荐 轻,中度疼痛尤其是疼痛 部位局限时的首选...