Low-cost entry into fast, advanced material FDM 3D printing THE BIGGER THE BETTER Don't let a build plate constrain the size of those larger-than-life ideas. The Creality K2 Plus boasts an impressive350x350x350mm print volumeto satisfy the ample space for unrestrained creativity. ...
K2 Plus Combo Boosting Creality's Flagship Series TheK2 Plus Combostands out as a groundbreaking addition to the K1 Series in Creality's flagship lineup, featuring a generous build volume of 350mm³. This model leverages the comprehensive Creality Filament System (CFS), enabling high-speed mult...
The board's low power consumption ensures that your 3D printing sessions are not only quiet but also cost-effective. Whether you're building an Ender 3 Pro, upgrading your Ender 5 Plus, or looking to enhance your Ender 3 V2, this silent motherboard is the perfect choice for those who ...
3DPrintMill is the best affordable belt 3D printer ever. Similar belt printers currently on the market are designed for industrial purpose and cost around 10,000 EUR. 3DPrintMill will be affordable with roughly 1/10 of our competitor's price. In addition,peoplecan save up to 50% iftheyp...