my cr-30 will not "attach card" I have used new ones, old ones, formatted as shown on the site and nothing is working. Is there a way to updated the firmware using the usb cable? I can put the gcode to print that way but when I try to use the update firmware it only allows ...
Creality Care+ Firmware Version History Slicer Release Note Test Model Trending 3D Models Manual Download Open Source Plugins Explore Now CR Care+ Contact Us FAQ what is the print size limit, width and height? What types of filaments stick to this belt and still release well? petg?
打印机 > 3D打印机 > CREALITY > CREALITY CR-30 关注对比 企业购更优惠 商品介绍 规格与包装 售后保障 商品评价 商品问答 品牌:CREALITY 商品名称:CREALITY CR-30 商品编号:100054040022 更多参数>> 商品介绍加载中... 售后保障 厂家服务 本商品质保期周期1年质保,在此时间范围内可提交维修申请,...
Tax excluded, add at checkout if applicable 4.84 Reviews Color:Direct Extruding Kit Product sellpoints Precise Printing:+0.1mm precision nozzle diameter for detailed and accurate 3D prints. Creality Cr30|Creality Ender 3 V2 Manual|Wide Compatibility:Fits Ender 3/Ender 3 Pro, compatible with 1.75mm...
分享 ¥5899.00 13159132120 立即预约 产品详情 Creality CR-30 3D打印机无限Z轴无限娱乐FDM 3D打印机
|Ender 5 S1 Price|Ender 3 V2 Price|Creality Firmware Update| **Enhanced Compatibility and Performance** The Creality 3D Printer Common Screw Kit is a versatile and essential accessory for a variety of Creality 3D printers, including the Ender 2Pro, Ender 3 Pro, Ender 5 Pro, and CR-10 Max...
Creality 3D 创想三维 3d打印机 CR-30 无限Z轴 爆料人: 好货星罗 21-05-31发布 天猫创想三维旗舰店开幕活动满减叠加店铺优惠券叠加定金立减到手价6839元,喜欢的值友不要错过了。无限Z轴打印,传送带设计,批量复制模型,持久且稳定。打印尺寸为200*170*∞mm。双齿轮金属挤出机构,配合45°斜喷头,可持续200小时...
Creality 3dprintmill (CR-30)Full hotend Kit Ali Metal แผ่นโลหะเชลล์แข็งโครงสร้างครบถ้วนใหม่เอี่ยมเป็นทางการ ...
Creality CR-30 3D打印机无限Z轴无限娱乐FDM 3D打印机 ¥5899.0013159132120 立即预约 产品参数 Creality CR-30 3D打印机无限Z轴无限娱乐FDM 3D打印机集智创想工业有限公司 全球3D打印机领导品牌,国家高新技术企业,专注于3D打印技术的研发和生产,产品覆盖“FDM和光固化”的材料和配件。 地址:福建省厦门市思明区龙山...
it will proceed to fabricate the darn thing on its build platform. From there, you wait for the object to cool, pick it up, and print another one. The Creality CR-30 3DPrintMill changes that by adding a conveyor belt that allows it to automatically move an object out of the build are...