KCSE 2002 C.R.E Paper_2 KCSE 2003 C.R.E Paper_1 KCSE 2003 C.R.E Paper_2 KCSE 2003 Paper 1 KCSE 2004 C.R.E Paper_1 KCSE 2004 C.R.E Paper_2 KCSE 2005 C.R.E PAPER 1 KCSE 2005 C.R.E PAPER 2 KCSE 2006 C.R.E PAPER 1 KCSE 2006 C.R.E PAPER 2 KCSE 2007 C.R.E P...
My grading rubric was fairly simple: each feature a student added beyond my bare-bones movie bumped their grade up. Roughly speaking, four additional features resulted in an A for the assignment. These might include use of color, background image, music, text, etc.I was inspired by how ...