Initially, this library only support Crc32 checksum, but I found, that there are lack of .NET Core libraries for Crc32 calculation. So, I've added Crc32C (Castagnoli) managed implementation in this library. Other Crc32 variants (like Crc32Q or Crc32K) seems to be unpopular to implement it...
I just knew that they calculated a checksum. I had been using the crc32() algorithm from the FastCRC library ( but when I dug in a little deeper, I discovered that it was configured to use "large tables" by default, which is why it is "fast...
Oh, and it needs to be fast. We want an algorithm that can produce the checksum by just traversing the message, linearly, once - partly for speed, partly because it should be possible to implement this algorithm in a hardware shift register where we compute the checksum on the fly, as t...
Initially, this library only support Crc32 checksum, but I found, that there are lack of .NET Core libraries for Crc32 calculation. So, I've added Crc32C (Castagnoli) managed implementation in this library. Other Crc32 variants (like Crc32Q or Crc32K) seems to be unpopular to implement it ...