astood near to the site of the present church 起点(800-1100)威尼斯的第一个受护神是圣西奥多,希腊战士圣徒,并且Doge的第一个教堂致力了他。 . 它大概被修造了大约819并且站立了近对圣标记当前教会的站点。 在828|圣标记9件遗物给城市被带来了从亚历山大,并且Venetians和Doge采取了传道者作为他们新的赞助人...
4. My friends and family place much more importance than I do on going to church/synagogue. 5. Nobody pressures me into being religious. * 6. Nobody important in my life would be angry with me if they thought I never went to church. * 7. I don't feel pressure to go to church/...