Your adult child might also have the idea that you would behave the way you always have—by taking care of him—rather than expecting him to pitch in more. All of these things will add to the tension of the situation. Typically, your adult child will take out her frustrations on the sa...
“it would make sense if you could talk to some Somali person who could understand you rather than going to your GP” (Male, FG2, P4) “Mental health team to recruit an elderly, an elderly person who understands the culture of the community.” (Male, FG2, P3) “we need a system ...
initially chose to read this book when I found it in my school library and thought that the concept was rather interesting and original. The idea that a previously prevented epidemic may resurface and cause new biological concerns is a complex concept not often written about in young adult ...
The car was fun, one of the later Trabants so a (thankfully) more reliable VW engine rather than a 2 stroke, but still really representative of the era. The tour of the control centre at the steelworks was great. Lunch was part of the tour, ve...
I prefer to becrazy and happy rather thannormal and bitter. —Paulo Coelho Crazy how you gotta wait until it's dark out to see who really with you. —Drake Every child needs at least one adult who is irrationally crazy about him or her. —Urie Bronfenbrenner ...
You’re not attacking your child, rather you’re telling your child directly why their behavior is a problem. You can say to your child: “When you use the car without asking, I don’t like it.” “When you make a mess and expect me to clean up after you, I feel like you ...
Kids ask about 300 questions a day. A 2013 study showed that the average kid asks one question every 2 minutes and 36 seconds. Of all types of children, girls aged four are the most curious, asking 390 questions per day. Interestingly, 82% of children would ask their mother first before...
The chapter I read an excerpt from is mostly about the drugs, or rather, what it’s like tripping on the drugs. It takes place in 1973. Nixon is still in the White House, the Vietnam War is still going on as is the Watergate investigation. But all of that feels far, far away to...
bones. The growth of the bone starts from the growth plate rather than from the centre portion. The bone structure becomes harder and mature with a growing child. Also, the growth plates become solid and hard bones. Similarly, growth plates are present on both sides of the ulna and radius...
It’s odd that we make such a big deal out of being “crazy.” We’re so accustomed to not standing out that it gets a little ridiculous sometimes and life becomes a race to assimilate rather than becoming the only thing the world needs you to be – yourself. ...