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I've covered countless videos of crazy Karens who seem to have zero social skills or sh*ts to give. Fromdemanding restaurants to open after hours, toblocking firetrucksduring emergencies, and evencalling the police over a Barbie carhorn, these ultra-entitled ladies are a public nuisance. This...
I’ve been getting so many emails and comments from you all asking where I’ve gone that I had to come back and say, “Hello.” And then quickly disappear back into the night. Kinda like Batman, except flabbier and without the weirdo voice. So anyway, yeah, I’ve been gone a long...
While Paul was still a young man he returned to Texas by riding a tornado. Jones had the time of his life in Texas becoming very Tex-centric. He says he wouldn’t swap Texas for the whole rest of the United States even if you threw in Canada and Alaska too. Paul...
I assume that is how it is for many women, but I suppose I could just be a weirdo. As my thoughts spin there is an element of tiredness that can slow them down or even distort them a bit. Add in that I still have every desire I had before having Oaklyn and it can get a bit...