Travelers and fans can get a glimpse of the high life seen in the romantic comedy, "Crazy Rich Asians," sightseeing iconic spots from the movie around Singapore.
The single-camera project, which was pitched with the titleLazy Rich Asians, revolves around Janet Zhao, a first-generation Chinese-American woman who struggles to set healthy boundaries with her crazy, exhausting family. When her wealthy grandmother dies and names Janet the sole inheri...
Crazy Rich Asians: (Brian Tyler) Cultural victories don't come without some controversy, and the 2018 adaptation of Crazy Rich Asians to the big screen set off protests about its otherwise vital infusion of an all-Asian cast into the forefront of the box office. The romantic comedy is reall...
LOS ANGELES, Aug. 23 (Xinhua) -- To make sure that the first Asian-American studio movie in 25 years would be seen in theaters, the producers of "Crazy Rich Asians" (CRA) took a financial gamble to release the picture through Warner Bros instead of accepting a lucrative deal from Netfl...
Crazy Rich Asians 2: Directed by Jon M. Chu. With Constance Wu, Henry Golding. Plot kept under wraps.
The lack of Indians inCrazy Rich Asianshas even been a source of minor controversy in Singapore itself. In the aftermath of the publicity earned by the island nation’s Trump-Kim summit earlier this year, the film serves as a glossy two-hour advert for Asia’s richest nation in financial ...
Like the eponymous crazy rich Asians in Kevin Kwan’s novel, Jeremy Tiang’s characters go in and out of Singapore, but unlike Kwan’s complacent and oblivious jetsetters, the Singaporeans who people Tiang’s fictional world are filled with unease, anxieties, and ennui. A teacher leaves her...
Film critic Justin Chang (@JustinCChang) and reporters Jen Yamato (@JenYamato) and Amy Kaufman (@AmyKinLA) discuss the movies “Crazy Rich Asians” and “ BlacKkKlansman ” with host Mark Olsen (@IndieFocus). They discuss the importance of the films in their respective com...
Crazy Rich Asianscenters on Wu's Rachel Chu, a Chinese American economics professor who discovers her boyfriend Nick (Henry Golding) belongs to one of Singapore’s wealthiest families after arriving in town for a friend’s wedding. The film was a box office hit, earning more than$2...
Another day, another show greenlit by Quibi. Jeffrey Katzenberg’s mobile-only streaming service has landed a new docuseries from “Crazy Rich Asians” author Kevin Kwan and Oscar-nominated filmmaker Eddie Schmidt, Quibi shared on Thursday morning. The show dubbed “Empires of Luxury,” looks at...