Beck has said that his biggest challenge in mastering rockabilly, a style that calls for the guitarist to mix single-note runs with snappy clusters of chords, was learning to play without the volume and distortion that has informed his playing since his mid-’60s tenure with the Yardbirds. Th...
" Neil toldClassic Rockin 2000. "I didn't think the producer really knew what he was doing, because he wouldn't let me sing in the style I was accustomed to. He wouldn't let Mick play his usual way either. It was a nightmare."...
which he calls “Six Months In Kansas City (Liberty Street),” but that may be because I’m a big Elvis fan. Soon enough you’ll be able to decide for yourself, as the album will be out on November 10.
which he calls “Six Months In Kansas City (Liberty Street),” but that may be because I’m a big Elvis fan. Soon enough you’ll be able to decide for yourself, as the album will be out on November 10.
– he said he sounded like such a jerk for saying that – and then he told the security guard 'I play this song; dun-dun-dun...' you know, just did the opening chords to 'Smells Like Teen Spirit,' and the security guard was like 'Oh, you're that guy!' And he let u...
and a squall of feedback from being turned up to 11, the boy launched into the opening chords to “Sweet Jane”; the riff turned everyone’s head in the store. In his typical dry and penetrating manner, Lou looked at me: “That’s when I said to myself, ‘Hey. I’m Lou Reed!
"Dave was standing there, like 'I'm actually in the band' – he said he sounded like such a jerk for saying that – and then he told the security guard 'I play this song; dun-dun-dun...' you know, just did the opening chords to 'Smells Like Teen Spirit,' and the secu...