The table view is common for Smartsheet and basically no different than what you see in Google Sheets or Excel. Highlight changes with background colors, change fonts, and add new columns, dropdown cells, checkboxes and much more. You can switch to a calendar view in one click, if you...
The most advanced frontend drag & drop page builder. Create high-end, pixel perfect websites at record speeds. Any theme, any page, any design. - elementor/readme.txt at master · crazypsycho/elementor
Mac OS X Lion includes a awesome new way tocheck the free spaceon a disc. I stumbled across this feature by accident. Besides showing thesize of the diskand how much free space it has, this method shows graphically how much space is being used for different types of files. The new way...
Tweak: Update Google Fonts list with more than 30 new fonts Tweak: Updated Eicons to v3.2.0 Fix: Page template doesn't work in draft status (#3706) Fix: Make sure that document settings works only on existing posts (#3993, Topic) Fix: Removed some duplicate strings Fix: Undefined index...
Understand Your Browser Fingerprint Recommended Browser Fingerprinting is an incredibly accurate method of tracking, where a website identifies you based on your device information, including: browser and OS versions, headers, time zone, installed fonts, plugins and applications and sometimes device hardwa...