Engineer William Gurstelle, author of the bestselling Backyard Ballistics, poses this fascinating question to modern-day garage warriors and shows how to build an arsenal of ancient artillery and fortifications aimed at withstanding these invading hordes. Each chapter introduces new bad actors in the ...
But it’s also true, if you get something you like and keep respinning with the same prompts, midjourney will usually use the face alone unless you prompt otherwise, so you can get 3 great poses by generating 20+ images, for example here are a few characters I like, with multiple pose...
Mark took the basic funny notion to the next level and developed the characters and styling further. It was an exciting mix of drawing on Mark's background in Character Design, and although we knew these drawings and models would likely be simplified if developed further by a game manufacturer...
This day Witherspoons poses no problem to me as I touch down on the gravel right at the beginning of the strip as I had planned, and with minimal braking the plane slows on the runway to the point where I’m able to cautiously taxi it off the gravel onto the grass parking area near...
I’m doing the exercises and drawing up a storm. It is FUN. I think this is the first time – in a long time – that I’ve allowed myself time to PLAY.The current atmosphere in the U.S. is difficult. It’s a stressful shit storm conflagration created by the virus, by a ...
This will eliminate some lower pairs just trying to catch a cheap ride to the later rounds and keep you in a good position to hit your set. Even if one of the minor pairs hits their set on the turn, you can hit your set and come out ahead. They would be drawing dead at this ...
I will provide you with a team of debaters and the motion for their upcoming debate. Your goal is to prepare the team for success by organizing practice rounds that focus on persuasive speech, effective timing strategies, refuting opposing arguments, and drawing in-depth conclusions from evidence...
But it’s also true, if you get something you like and keep respinning with the same prompts, midjourney will usually use the face alone unless you prompt otherwise, so you can get 3 great poses by generating 20+ images, for example here are a few characters I like, with multiple pose...