“Penned in a staccato amphetamine grammar, its narrative is fractured and deranged, often unsettling but frequently compelling, an unsparing portrait of the teen condition: assured then despairing, would-be sex god then impotent has-been, an only child battling the wills of his domineering father ...
AMERICAN BOYS AT WAR IN VIETNAM--AND INVOLVED IN INCIDENTS YOU WON'T FIND IN THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES In this compelling, highly unusual collection of amazing but true stories, U.S. soldiers reveal fantastic, almost unbelievable events that occurred in places ranging from the deadly Central ...
can't talk to anybody about it cause of the f-ed up culture here (could tell you absolutely unbelievable stories)..can't leave cause of the great pay and benefits (which can be a curse as in this case where they make you put up with sick environment past normal limits)..i believe ...
While some of these products, such as the smartwatch prototypes sound plausible, some, such as the folding iPhone, range into the almost-unbelievable. Given Apple's commitment to secrecy, it seems unlikely that many of these described prototype devices are available in the Asian supply chain. A...
family and co-workers into thinking they have things together, but they’re only pretending. Their stories are so similar it’s almost unbelievable. Usually they have a respectable-sounding career and home life, but they feel particularly fragile and troubled compared to how everyone around them ...