Once again, there seems to be a connection in behaviors among all these weirdest celebrities. While Tyson was biting off part of a man’s ear, Osbourne bit off the head of a bat on stage. The funny part of the story is he did it thinking it was a fake rubber bat that someone ...
It is not because I do not love my adopted land - it is the natural feeling of one far from home, who remembers those happy, carefree days when life flowed at full tide, without responsibility, flashing past one like the drama in a fascinating story of adventure and romance. —Erich von...
My initial thoughts about what a title can do was to set mood and the prime underlying core of the film's story, to express the story in some metaphorical way. I saw the title as a way of conditioning the audience, so that when the film actually began, viewers would already have an ...
In the Bible, this story is that of the couple's fall from grace, occurring after Eve disregarded God's warning not to eat the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. In the Testimony of Truth, however, the story is told from the perspective of the con...