Crayon Shin-chan: My Moving Story! Cactus Large Attack! (2015) 1 h 44 min.Sortie : 18 avril 2015 (Japon). Long-métrage d'animationdeMasakazu Hashimoto Synopsis :Shin Chan et sa famille sont au Mexique aux prises avec des cactus étranges. ...
many of these phrases have standard responses. A typical gag involves Shin-chan confounding his parents by using the wrong phrase for the occasion; for instance, saying “Welcome back ” (“おかえりなさい” “okaeri nasai”) instead of a using a more suitable wording such as “I am home...
Crayon Shin-chan: Arashi wo yobu - Môretsu! Otona teikoku no gyakushû: Directed by Keiichi Hara. With Akiko Yajima, Miki Narahashi, Keiji Fujiwara, Satomi Kôrogi. When a new threat regresses the minds of the adults of Kasukabe back into children
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Crayon Shinchan中文版给玩家带来了一款以典动画蜡笔小新为题材所展开的休闲益智类手游,游戏高度还原了动漫中的各种场景,清新的游戏画面,搭配原班人马的配音,领玩家沉浸式体验在春日部的生活。游戏内还有诸多成就任务,每个角色都有对应的道具服装可以收集,它们不仅实用而且装扮起来也很好看,快来收集全员皮肤,给你不一样...
蜡笔小新之小帮手大作战官方版(Crayon Shinchan)游戏特色 1.多种道具会帮助你完成任务,不同的道具有不同的功效,帮助你顺利完成任务,无限欢快。 2.海量关卡等待你来挑战,完成不同的任务就能获得更多的奖励,可以多多尝试,努力闯关。 3.在丰富的场景之中开启全新的故事,还能碰到很多你的小伙伴,享受趣味的游戏过程!
蜡笔小新之小帮手大作战游戏原名:Crayon Shinchan 蜡笔小新之小帮手大作战国际服玩法 对小朋友来说太幼稚对大学生来说刚刚好的蜡笔小新之小帮手大作战来了,关卡有很多,都是一些简单的做家务,或者买饺子去商场之类的活动,很有意思一起来看看! 1.第一个关卡就是帮妈妈做家务-洗衣服了,直接用下图的这个洗衣机来洗...
'''Crayon Shin-chan''' is a Japanese manga and anime written and illustrated by Yoshito Usui. The series follows the adventures of a five-year old boy named Shinnosuke Nohara and his parents, his dog, his little sister and his friends. They live in Kasuk
Become a member to see Box Office information about Eiga Crayon Shin-chan Ora-tachi no Kyôryû Nikki. Try IMDbPro Premium for free Release date 八月9, 2024 (Hong Kong) Contacts + Add Become a member to see contact information for Eiga Crayon Shin-chan Ora-tachi no Kyôryû Nikk...
蜡笔小新之小帮手大作战(Crayon Shinchan)是一款卡通风格的休闲益智游戏,玩家可以在游戏中收集各种小帮手,帮助小新打败各种怪物。游戏画面精美,玩法简单,可玩性极高,非常适合休闲娱乐。 游戏特色 1、卡通风格的画面,色彩明亮,让玩家感受到活泼可爱的氛围。