Crayon Shin-chan: Mononoke Ninja Chinpuden (2022) - Referenced in, Featured in, Spoofed and more...
Crayon Shin-chan: Densetsu wo yobu odore! Amîgo!: Directed by Yûji Mutô. With Akiko Yajima, Miki Narahashi, Keiji Fujiwara, Satomi Kôrogi.
“23”, two emitting lights would come to the Earth from outer space. And the dark light with strong power will bring out a huge disaster. In the summer of 2023, as predicted, two mysterious lights approach Japan and descend on Kasukabe. The white light hits Shin-chan, which makes him ...
Crayon Shin-chan: Honeymoon Hurricane - The Lost Hiroshi: Directed by Masakazu Hashimoto. With Yumiko Kobayashi, Aimyon, Banjô Ginga, Haruka Kinami. The Nohara family members take a vacation to Australia for rarely happened annular solar eclipse, in t
Crayon Shin-Chan: Arashi wo Yobu Enji is the twenty-second one-off game played by Jon and Arin on Game Grumps. The game was sent in to the show by Aleksi Blomquist. Crayon Shin-Chan Crayon Shin-Chan: Arashi wo Yobu Enji is a Japan-exclusive video game ba
Jump-action Crayon Shinchan game that anyone can easily play!Collect various costumes and friends and run through the city of Kasukabe and the world of movies! Everyone's favorite five-year-old, Shinnosuke,makes a Fierce Dash to collect sweets and Golden Balls. Get lots of different costumes ...
New Dimension! Crayon Shinchan the Movie: Battle of Supernatural Powers ~Flying Sushi~2023 しん!クレヨンしんちゃんTHE MOVIE 超能力大決戦 ~とべとべ手巻き寿司~ Directed by Hitoshi One Synopsis 40-years ago, there was a prophecy claiming that in the year of “20” and “23”,...
A very heartfelt video about one of the Crayon Shin-chan movies - Crayon Shin-chan: Fierceness that Invites Storm! Adult Empire Strikes Back! . This is a movie the topic of which is toxic nostalgia. I saw the title to this and knew it had to be about this movie. It's really some...
Shin Jigen! Crayon Shin-chan the Movie Chonoryoku Dai Kessen: Tobetobe Temakizushi: Directed by Hitoshi Ône. With Yumiko Kobayashi, Miki Narahashi, Toshiyuki Morikawa, Satomi Kôrogi. Young boy Shinnosuke gains telekinetic abilities from cosmic whit
Akiko Yajima,Miki Narahashi,Keiji Fujiwara,Satomi Korogi Directed by Akira Shigino 6.4/10 imdb – rotten tomatoes Last updated on November 25, 2024. InfoStreamingTOP 10Hours viewedSimilar movies No streaming data for Crayon Shin-chan: Roar! Kasukabe Animal Kingdom this week....