To prepare ourselves for this much-anticipated day, we've rounded upThe 20 Best Crayola Crayon Colors of All Time, from the standard colors to ones from the Magic Scent pack, Changeables, Color Mix-Up, and more. Keep in mind, some of these babies have unfortunately retired since our col...
The official Crayola creativity app! Crayola Create and Play is a fun, interactive, and educational app that helps kids develop creative confidence with frequent new activities to imagine, experiment, and grow with every month!
Ahhh, think about Crayola Crayons, those wonderful waxy knobs of color, wrapped in shreds of peeled paper, that for so may of us are integral to our first experiences in making art. Wax crayons are a fond symbol of childhood (and/or or child rearing) for many of us. That wonderful sme...
Today, there are over 120 Crayola crayon colors. A far cry from the 8 colors Binney & Smith first presented in 1903. Color seems to be one of life’s constants. Crayola might agree; their colorful crayons don’t change, they multiply. Crayola might have 330 shades by 2050. Therefore, ...
When redeemed glass is properly color-sorted, it becomes a sought-after commodity which would drive local industry. Further, all construction in the state should be required to use glass as a building material to create a circular economy. The funds collected by the increased deposit ...
Using Crayola Dry-Erase Crayons, students color a piece of Marker & Watercolor Paper with all colors but black. When they are finished, students should then color over the colored paper with a black Dry-Erase Crayon. When covering the colored paper with black, students should make long strokes...
My daughter would love one of these as she has just began to learn to write letters and numbers and loves that fact that she can erase her mistakes and can alter her drawings without having to chuck the whole picture away saying I’ve ruined it mummy!