3) crawling peg exchange rate system 爬行钉住制 4) crawling pegs 爬行式钉住汇率 5) sliding peg (汇率)滑动钉住 6) the "BBC" rules 爬行波幅钉住货币篮子制度 例句>> 补充资料:爬行钉住汇率制 爬行钉住汇率制概述 爬行钉住汇率制是固定汇率制和浮动汇率制的折中,其含义是一国对货币平价进行细微的、...
"Crawling peg"是一种外汇管理制度,是一种介于固定汇率和浮动汇率之间的制度。在爬行固定汇率制度下,汇...
Related to Crawling Peg Exchange Rate:Crawling Peg System crawling peg n (Economics) a method of stabilizing exchange rates, prices, etc, by maintaining a fixed level for a specified period or until the level has persisted at an upper or lower limit for a specified period and then permitting...
Related to Crawling Peg Exchange Rate: Crawling Peg SystemCrawling peg An automatic system for revising the exchange rate. It involves establishing a par value around which the rate can vary up to a given percent. The par value is revised regularly according to a formula determined by the autho...
crawling peg exchange rate基本解释 轻跳频改汇率 分词解释 crawling表面涂布不均v. 爬( crawl的现在分词 ) peg钉,桩 exchange交换 rate速度猜你喜欢 discount rate(美国及其他一些国家银行之间借款的)贴现率 exchange rate(外汇)汇率 federal funds rate联邦基金利率 prime rate(美国银行的)最优惠贷款利率 click ...
美 英 un.蛇形浮动汇率;小幅度调整汇率 英汉 un. 1. 蛇形浮动汇率 2. 小幅度调整汇率
CrawlingPeg 爬行钉住汇率制 CrawlingPegsCrawlingpegs Definition Reasons Fluctuation(波动)regulatorymechanism(调节机制)advantagesanddisadvantages CrawlingPegs Definition •Asystemofexchangerateadjustmentinwhichacurrencywithafixedexchangerateisallowedtofluctuatewithinabandofrates.•Theparvalue(票面价值)ofthestated...
Amman, H.M., and Jager, H., 1987, Optimal economic policy under a crawling-peg exchange-rate system, in :“Developments in Control Theory for Economic Analysis”, C. Carroro and D. Sartore, eds., Martinus Nijhoff, Deventer, p. 105 –125....
Crawling peg is an exchange rate regime usually seen as a part of fixed exchange rate regimes that allows depreciation or appreciation in an exchange rate gradually.The system is a method to fully utilize the key under the fixed exchange regimes as well as the flexibility under the floating exc...
4、pub-crawlingv. 逛酒店喝酒( pub-crawl的现在分词 ) 5、crawlingwith someone or something 爬着有人或什么的 6、crawlingtrace 爬行迹;爬迹 7、crawlingpeg system 蠕动汇率制度 8、crawlingpeg exchange rate 爬行钉住汇率 9、a tortoise iscrawling乌龟在爬行 ...