We are delighted to have Jim Faulkner back playing guitar as Daniel had too many commitments during our tour period but is still very much a member of the band. We also have Sean Jude from LEAFBLADE with us, Sean is a lifelong friend of mine as we used to be in a band together many...
We are delighted to have Jim Faulkner back playing guitar as Daniel had too many commitments during our tour period but is still very much a member of the band. We also have Sean Jude from LEAFBLADE with us, Sean is a lifelong friend of mine as we used to be in a band together many...
' on Deathwish Inc., appropriately titled 'Night-Crawlers' -- depicts the narrator as a young entrepreneur, culling worms for sale. "'Night-Crawlers' is the third chapter in 'Black Eye Blues,'" the band told Noisecreep. "It tells the part of the story where my...