Additionally, some research has shown that salt cravings can indicate mild calcium deficiency in the body, according to theInstitute of Medicine. However, more research needs to be done in order to solidify the connection between salt cravings and a need for calcium-rich foods. A Healthy Way...
It is normal to hear people crave it but still many people are curious about their health and ask the question, why am I craving salt? If you crave salt, it means you are not getting enough salt from your diet as a result you crave it. Secondly your need to achieve a certain ...
That attitude may have been what was behind the spoiled girl named Veruca Salt in the movie “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” who sang the song “I Want It NOW!” David gives us the antidote for this tasteless gulping of God’s good and good-for-us food: “Taste and see that...