rotifers. The results were compared to previously published data from Lake Sonachi, a well‐studied lake in the humid and colder mountainous region of Kenya near the town of Naivasha, now supported by a 210Pb age chronology. Both records extend back before the onset of substantial anthropogenic...
Spatial variability of chironomid death assemblages in the surface sediments of a fluctuating tropical lake (Lake Naivasha, Kenya) Studies addressing within-lake variability of fossil chironomid assemblages are very few, and all deal with hydrologically stable temperate lakes where the... H Eggermont,...
The Ol Doinyo Lengai known to the Maasai as the” Mountain of God” casts its conical shadow across the plains from the edge of the Great African Rift Valley escarpment further northeast near the border of Kenya. Last erupting in 2007, it is still active. Here the travelers climb its lava...
The phytoplankton communities and the production of cyanobacterial toxins were investigated in two alkaline Kenyan crater lakes, Lake Sonachi and Lake Simbi. Lake Sonachi was mainly dominated by the cyanobacterium Arthrospira fusiformis, Lake Simbi by A. fusiformis and Anabaenopsis abijatae. The phyto...
II. Precipitation and sedimentation of calcite in a meromictic lake with laminated sediments. Limnol. Oceanogr. 14: 830–847. Clark, F., A. Beeby & P. Kirby, 1989. A study of the macro-invertebrates of Lakes Naivasha, Oloidien and Sonachi, Kenya. Rev. Hydrobiol. trop. 22: 21–33. ...
The phytoplankton communities and the production of cyanobacterial toxins were investigated in two alkaline Kenyan crater lakes, Lake Sonachi and Lake Simbi. Lake Sonachi was mainly dominated by the cyanobacterium Arthrospira fusiformis, Lake Simbi by A. fusiformis and Anabaenopsis abijatae. The phyto...
(2005): Cyanobacteria and cyanobacterial toxins in the alkaline crater lakes Sonachi and Simbi, Kenya. Harmful Algae. 4(1): 139-150.Ballot A , Krienitz L , Kotut K , Wiegand C & Pflugmacher S ( 2005 ) Cyanobacteria and cyanobacterial toxins in the alkaline crater lakes Sonachi and ...
(2005). Cyanobacteria and cyanobacterial toxins in the alkaline crater lakes Sonachi and Simbi, Kenya. Harmful Algae, 4, 139-150.Ballot A , Krienitz L , Kotut K , Wiegand C & Pflugmacher S ( 2005 ) Cyanobacteria and cyanobacterial toxins in the alkaline crater Lakes Sonachi and Simbi, ...
Evolutionary significance of population; probable recent development of the four or five endemics; very mixed affinities of the remainder, which include forms associated with Kilimanjaro, Chyulu, Kenya Highlands, Lake Victoria basin, Uganda and S.W. Tanganyika, considered to indicate rather recent ...
Species integrity and origin of Oreochromis hunteri (Pisces: Cichlidae), endemic to crater Lake Chala (Kenya–Tanzania) Extensive transfer of tilapia between lakes throughout East Africa has often led to hybridisation with indigenous fish populations. The endemic Oreochromis... J Dieleman,M Muschick...