This website will tell you about road closures and the webcams will alert you if the Lake is not visible due to clouds or smoke. Edited: 10:28 pm, April 10, 2024 Reply Report inapp...
Come in July-August to avoid road closures. We came in mid-June and unfortunately for us, most of the park was still closed due to heavy snow still on the roads. But, we did come up to the visitor's center and take in the views of the lake, and drove...
Each year, increasing numbers of cyclists come to Crater Lake National Park to ride around the lake on the 33-mile Rim Drive. The route is physically demanding. Steep hills at high elevation may encourage even the most fit riders to pause at many of the road’s thirty overlooks and pullou...
Oregon. The park is accessible viaHighway 62, which connects to major highways in the region. During the summer months, all park roads are typically open, providing easy access to Rim Drive and other attractions. However, winter weather can cause road closures, so visitors should check current...
第3 天:火山湖國家公園 Crater Lake National Park 北美天池,全美最深,海拔最高的天山湖泊!俄勒岡州唯一的國家公園,火山湖以其深藍色的湖水和很高的透明度而聞名。 火山湖最深的部分達 655 米,是美國最深的湖泊,世界上很难见到如此纯净的醉人的湖蓝,纤尘不染,深邃凝重。由于整個 湖完全與外界水源隔絕,所以湖水...