火山口湖国家公园Crater Lake National Park 拥有俄勒冈州最不可错过的奇观,享誉全美的蓝宝石,北美大陆最深的湖泊与全世界最深的火山湖——— 火山口湖 Crater Lake。 距今大约7700年前,高度约3700米的Mazama Mountain马扎马火山大爆发,爆发结束之后火山的中心部分塌陷,形成了直径8-10公里,深度1.2公里的巨大火山口。...
Crater Lake 火山口湖國家公園位於美國西岸Oregon俄勒岡州的南端,離加州的北面的州際線很近,是美國最深,世界第九深的湖。而且還是美國第五老的國家公園。火山目前屬於休眠狀態。 Crater Lake 的形成: Crater Lake 本是一座山(馬札馬山)的山峰,7700年前馬札馬火山噴發,火山錐頂部因為失去地下熔岩的支撐崩塌而形成...
Ontdek de populairste lopen routes in de buurt van Crater Lake met niet alleen met de hand samengestelde wandelkaarten en routebeschrijvingen, maar ook gedetailleerde beoordelingen en foto's van wandelaars, kampeerders en natuurliefhebbers zoals jij. Beste routes #1 - Discovery Point Trail ...
ROSEBURG (Interstate 5, 102 miles to Crater Lake)– The city of Roseburg, the heart of the LAND OF UMPQUA, offers one of the most scenic routes to Oregon’s only National Park via the Rogue-Umpqua Scenic Byway. The “Land of Umpqua” stretches from the coast to the Cascade Mountains ...
克拉马斯福尔斯优质酒店-火山湖门户 (Quality Inn Klamath Falls - Crater Lake Gateway) 2.5等级(最高为5等级) 4061 S 6th Street, 阿尔塔蒙特, 克拉马斯福尔斯(OR), 美国, 97603-查看地图 住宿提供免费 Wi-Fi 和免费停车服务,让您保持连通,并来去自如。 住宿位于克拉马斯福尔斯(OR)阿尔塔蒙特的上佳位置,让您轻...
Quick Facts on Crater Lake Site Information Names: Crater Lake · Crater Lake National Park Categories: sacred waters Status: active Visitor and Contact Information Coordinates: 42.941093° N, 122.105484° W Address: Oregon, Oregon Phone: 541-594-3000 Hours: Open year-round, but most of Rim ...
a lake in the southern Cascades in the USA (Oregon). Situated at an elevation of 1,880 m in the crater of the extinct Mazama volcano. Area, approximately 52 sq km; depths, up to 600 m. The lake is fed by rain and snow and has no inlet or outlet. The water is bright blue; the...
This is a Crater Lake regional map, showing roads, highways, and towns surrounding the park and driving routes from I-5. Click the image to view a full size map or download the PDF. The full park map is also available as a high-quality art poster print from the NPMaps Crater Lake st...