火山口湖国家公园Crater Lake National Park 拥有俄勒冈州最不可错过的奇观,享誉全美的蓝宝石,北美大陆最深的湖泊与全世界最深的火山湖 ——— 火山口湖 Crater Lake。 距今大约7700年前,高度约3700米的Mazama Mountain马扎马火山大爆发,爆发结束之后火山的中心部分塌陷,形成了直径8-10公里,深度1.2公里的巨大火山口。
An overview of Crater Lake and Wizard Island, southwestern Oregon. Video: Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. Discover how the volcanic disruption of Mount Mazama created Crater Lake Volcanic history of Crater Lake (with animation). Video: Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. Images Oregon: Crater Lake ...
Crater Lake Oregon’s National Park is a top visitor attraction and we’ve made it easier to visit with one website that offers complete Park information, maps, plus a guide to lodging, dining, wineries, golf, casinos and additional visitor attractions i
天崩地陷,山峰不复存在,一场壮烈的覆灭换来了一汪宁静的深邃,这就是魁特湖 (Crater Lake) 故事的开始... 从空中俯瞰,她乍的一下陷落在山峦之间,像是镶嵌在俄勒冈广袤土地上的一颗蓝宝石,亦或是一颗匆匆坠落凡间却又不明来历的泪痕。她静静的在那里,冷艳到仿佛不属于任何人,我们永远是她的过客。美丽而神秘的事...
Names: Crater Lake · Crater Lake National Park Categories: sacred waters Status: active Visitor and Contact Information Coordinates: 42.941093° N, 122.105484° W Address: Oregon, Oregon Phone: 541-594-3000 Hours: Open year-round, but most of Rim Drive is closed by snow until July. Lodging:...
火山口湖 (Crater Lake)中文又译魁特湖,是位于美国俄勒冈州的一个火山湖。属火山口湖国家公园管区范围内。火山口湖以其深蓝色的湖水和很高的透明度而闻名。火山口湖最深的部分达655米,火山口约是在7,700年前马札马火山喷发时形成。 在1853年6月12日,约翰·卫斯理·希尔曼成为第一个发现火山口湖的人,他当时...
Crater Lake的四季之美 Crater Lake是美国最深的湖泊之一,同时也是俄勒冈标志性的景点,它是由Mt. Mazama这座古老的火山倒塌而形成。望着蔚蓝的湖面鳞波闪亮,你可能很难想象这个美丽的湖泊已有7700多年的历史,仅仅是站在湖边,凝视着它,你都能感觉到一眼万年的古老魅力。
【题目】阅读理解Oregon's Crater Lake is a deep, clear lake. It wasonce a volcano(火山). The lake formed when the volcanocame and the hole was filled up with rain and snow. Thearea is now home to all kinds of wildlife, evergreenforests, and cold mountain water. The lake also has ...
--University of Oregon, 1979; Includes bibliographical referencesdoi:10.2475/ajs.s4-3.15.165DillerJ. S.Nelson, P. O., J. F. Reilly & G. L. Larson, 1996. Chemical solute mass balance of Crater Lake, Oregon. Lake and Reservoir Management 12: 248–258. View Article...