火山口湖国家公园,英文名称是 Crater Lake National Park,1902年由罗斯福总统批准成立 火山口湖深1943英尺/592米,是美国最深的湖泊,也被认为是世界上水质最洁净,最清澈的湖泊 门票:夏季30美金/车(5月中-10月底),冬季20美金/车(11月初-5月中) ,建议使用美国国家公园年票 旅游季节:7月初到10月初最佳,可以自驾...
1. 跟团旅游巴士 2. 自驾:weed向东下5号公路,经klamath falls 到crater lake national park(南入口)
Crater Lake National Park of the pacific northwest is a must see attraction from the cliffs of the Cascade Mountain Range
Crater Lake National Park Travel Guide Overview Things To Do Hotels Restaurants Top Places Gallery Places to Explore In Crater Lake National Park Discover the best places to explore in Crater Lake National Park with curated recommendations from our travel experts....
火山湖国家公园 Crater National lake Park *点击以缩略图片,查看大图!火山湖国家公园位于美国俄勒冈州南部,其主要特征便是火山口形成的深湖。火山湖最深点有594米深,是美国最深的湖泊,在北美洲是第二深的湖,为世界第九深湖泊。 如果按平均湖深来看,火山湖的平均深度为350米,是西半球最深的湖泊,世界第三深...
national park 用户正在搜索 Martians,marticin,martin,Martin Heidegger,Martin Luther,Martin Luther King,Martin Luther King Day,Martin Scorsese,Martin Van Buren,Martina, 相似单词 cratch,crate,crated,crateful,crater,Crater Lake National Park,cratered,crateriform,cratering,craterization,...
Danish: Crater Lake National Park Dutch: Crater Lake National Park English: CRLA Esperanto: Nacia Parko Kratera Lago Estonian: Crater Lake'i rahvuspark Estonian: Crater Lakei rahvuspark Finnish: Crater Laken kansallispuisto French: Parc national de Crater Lake French: parc national de Crater Lak...
火山口湖国家公园旅游攻略指南,携程攻略社区! 靠谱的旅游攻略平台,2月最佳的火山口湖国家公园(Crater Lake National Park)自助游、自由行、自驾游、跟团旅、出游、游玩线路,海量火山口湖国家公园旅游景点图片、游记、交通、酒店、美食、购物、玩乐、行程、指南等旅游攻略
Experience dramatic vistas, clear blue water, and incredible volcanic history with this self-guided driving tour of Crater Lake National Park. Explore Rim Village, hike a trail down to the lakeshore, and take in the views from Watchman Peak. Each stop is packed with natural beauty and geologica...
in Crater Lake National Park. The park is much more than the legendary lake itself. There are canyons and creeks cutting down the slopes. Here, two observers look up a canyon at fumeroles. Away from away are the Pinnacles. Off of Rim Drive one can take Pinnacles Road which leads to Pin...