crater lake national park 读音:美英 crater lake national park基本解释 火山口湖国家公园;火口湖国家公园;火山湖国度公园 分词解释 crater火山口,喷火口 lake湖 national国家的 park公园
crater lake national park 名词 火山口湖国家公园英英释义 a national park in Oregon having the deepest lake in the United States in the crater of an extinct volcano 访问沪江小D查看crater lake national park的更多详细解释>相关短语 N. N. N. N. N. N. culture medium 【医】 N.N.N.培养基(含...
cratch,crate,crated,crateful,crater,Crater Lake National Park,cratered,crateriform,cratering,craterization, 英汉-汉英词典 火山湖国家公园 近义、反义、联想词 近词 n. national park 用户正在搜索 Martello tower,martemper,marten,martenite,Martens,martensite,martensitetempering,martensitic,Martesia,Martha, ...
crater lake national park n. 火山口湖国家公园 the Lake 大西洋 arc crater 弧坑,电弧陷口 crater filler 焊口充填料,填弧坑 rill crater 沟纹环形山 artificial crater 人造环形山 crater depth 月牙洼磨损深度 crater lamp 环孔灯,点源录影灯 相似...
Crater Lake is in the crater of a dead volcano of the Cascade Range.───克瑞特湖在喀斯喀特山脉的一座死火山的火山坑里. 英语使用场景 Here on my first time visit to Crater Lake National Park, I wanted to leave with an image that I could look back on and remember the experience. ...
美 英 英英 un. 1. nationalparkinsouthernOregon.Establishedin1902,theparkincludesthecircularCraterLake,situatedinthecraterofanextinctvolcano.At589m(1,932ft),itisthedeepestlakeintheUnitedStates.
相关费用(Fee): 1. 旅游团团队:可随团参加含有绮丽湖景点的行程 2. 自由行: 私家车$15/辆(7天有效);摩托车、自行车和行人$10/辆/人(7天有效); 位置交通(Transportation): 1. 跟团旅游巴士 2. 自驾: weed向东下5号公路,经klamathfalls 到craterlake national park(南入口) ...
Crater Lake National Park- a national park in Oregon having the deepest lake in the United States in the crater of an extinct volcano Beaver State,OR,Oregon- a state in northwestern United States on the Pacific Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton Universi...
火山口湖公园! crater lake national park. 一车两人15美元门票。此地8个月覆盖白雪。10月中旬就封闭了,到次年5月才开放。