“Early Autumn is a great time to stay at the Crater Lake Lodge. The crowds are mostly gone and the weather is often quite pleasant. We ate all of our meals in the Lodge restaurant.” Therin “Crater Lake National Park is not just a destination; it’s an experience that will touch ...
“Early Autumn is a great time to stay at the Crater Lake Lodge. The crowds are mostly gone and the weather is often quite pleasant. We ate all of our meals in the Lodge restaurant.” Therin “Crater Lake National Park is not just a destination; it’s an experience that will touch ...
crater lake lodge 读音:美英 crater lake lodge基本解释 火山口湖客栈;火山口湖旅馆;火山湖旅游区旅馆 分词解释 crater火山口,喷火口 lake湖 lodge存放 crater lake lodge是什么意思 crater lake lodge怎么读 crater lake lodge在线翻译 crater lake lodge中文意思 crater lake lodge的解释 crater lake lodge的发音 ...
必应词典为您提供Crater-Lake-Lodge的释义,网络释义: 火山湖旅馆;火山口湖客栈;里熊熊的火炉;
1. Crater Lake Lodge 这里应有尽有,一应俱全。房价从180刀至400刀不等,房型多样,环境优美,用餐场所的选择也很丰富。 2. The Cabins at Mazama Village 在宁静的树林中落脚一处温馨舒适的小木屋,反而是很接地气的选择。但是房屋数量非常有限,建议提前在网站上预约。2016年的最新价位是152刀一晚,随人数增加有...
在去年的memorial day长假,我和男友决定去Oregon,先去了Portland,然后驱车五小时,终于抵达了Crater Lake国家公园。五月底的时候,这里的积雪还没完全融化,所以可以看到蓝天白云与积雪相映成趣的美景。为了不错过最美的日出,我提前一年就在公园内的Crater Lake Lodge订了房。早上一睁眼,就能看到日出、粉色的天空和湛蓝...
在Crater Lake周边,除了公园本身,还有一些不容错过的小众景点。虽然Crater Lake目前还是冰雪覆盖,但周边的风景同样令人惊艳。🌊 Diamond Lake 位于Crater Lake和Eugene之间的Diamond Lake,非常适合在长途旅行中休息。湖边有一个Lodge和餐馆,提供美味的美式食物。虽然我们最初只是打算下来吃个饭,但湖边的风景让我们惊喜不...
其出发点和停车场均在Crater Lake Lodge,从停车场出发沿湖边的步行道步行两三百米就可以看到登山小径的入口。登山小径从入口处缓慢上升, 一直延伸到火山口边缘的最高点,也就是Garfield Peak的顶峰。小径比较平坦,因而难度也不算太大;但是全程一直在登高徒步,实际的体能消耗比预想得更大。
接着开车到湖边的酒店Crater Lake Lodge。我们选择了比较经典的Garfield Peak徒步路线,大约3.4英里,耗时大约三小时。这条路线有很多石块,比较陡峭,但爬到高处时景色非常美。此外,Cleetwood Cove(可以通到湖边)、The Watchman Peak和Discovery Point也是推荐的徒步路线。
Crater Lake Lodge. (Crater Lake National Park, Oregon)(Special Issue: 1995 Modernization Awards Winners)Sullivan, C.C