然后,它们都配备了最好的Edelbrock Performer气缸盖,以获得惊人的街道性能。 Mopar Performance 440 CID 530HP超级突击队板条箱引擎 如果我对这款小型发动机的大块性能感兴趣,没有人需要问我两次!在这个小块340内,你会发现440立方英寸隐藏起来准备释放530马力。这意味着您可以安装此板条箱发动机并从泵气中获得最大马...
Find all the details on our Mopar Big Block Hemi M572-SSA-C1 engine here. Prestige Motorsports in Concord, NC.
The PCM is set to the factory 707-horsepower calibration so there’s nothing you need to do. You can use it with your manual transmission. As an idea, consider pairing it with the Mopar Tremec Magnum kit. You can install the Hellcrate in any pre-1976 street or non-highway off-road r...
The name "Lamar Walden" will fly right over many heads, but veteran hot rodders will nod their noggins in appreciation when they learn that one and the same is now offering "W" engine big-block crate engines in both 409 and 509ci variants. For over 40 years, Lamar Walden has been re...
F. No 400 small block or big block crankshafts allowed! This goes for Ford, Chevy or Mopar. G. No 4-cylinders allowed. No V-6’s allowed. No in-lines. V-8’s only. H. Again: only Ford, Chevy or Mopar engines are allowed. ...
Performance Injection Equipment specializes in Mopar Crate engines, custom cylinder heads, forced induction, fuel injection and chassis dyno tuning.