Volvo heeft een nieuwe crashtestdummy ontwikkeld om de actieve veiligheidssystemen van zijn auto's te testen. Zijn naam is Bob en in tegenstelling tot andere dummy's loopt hij het risico overreden te worden.
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Our range of crash test dummy models represent male, female and child anatomies. They are used by automotive manufacturers, safety and interiors suppliers, child car seat manufacturers, and regulators in every region of the world. They are used to protect soldiers from deadly weapons of war, to...
Linda, Volvo's unique pregnant crash test dummy. nov 27, 2006 ID: 8528 High (.jpg) 120.7 KB Keywords: Product Nieuws Let op: foto's en beelden op deze website zijn uitsluitend voor redactioneel gebruik. Klik hier om de volledige copyrightinformatie te bekijken High (.jpg) 120...
Our range of crash test dummy models represent male, female and child anatomies. They are used by automotive manufacturers, safety and interiors suppliers, child car seat manufacturers, and regulators in every region of the world. They are used to protect soldiers from deadly weapons of war, to...
crash-test vb (General Engineering) (tr) to test (a new product) for safety and reliability by finding out its breaking point under pressure, heat, etc Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, ...
在碰撞模拟测试驾驶汽车(Crash Dummy Test : Drive Car)中,扮演一名特技驾驶员,任务是在各种极端条件下测试车辆的耐久性和性能。每个关卡都设计了不同的挑战,从高速碰撞到复杂的翻转动作,需要灵活应对各种突发情况。通过完成这些挑战,不仅能提升驾驶技术,还能解锁更多高级车辆和场景。 游戏特色 1、游戏采用了高度真实...
VIEW VIDEO PC-Crash 14.1 VIEW VIDEO Free Support Continuing MEA’s tradition of providing free technical support, you can contact us any time. Email us your problem. Attach your project file, if you wish. We will get back to you within a week. ...
Crash Test Dummy 3D GTA: Smash the Car to Pieces! ️ Which are the latest Car Games similar to Car Crash? Unreal Drift Dubai Melon Destruction Poly Track Race on Porsche 911 Formula Speed 📽️ Which are the most viewed videos and gameplays for Car Crash?
Large and Obese Dummy In 1980, the average adult obesity rate in the United States was 15%. Today, obesity has increased considerably to nearly 40% of the adult population. The Obese ATD was designed and developed by Humanetics in [date] and is based on the measurements of a 273-pound ...