昨天在顺电入手一加8Pro青空色,一加7Pro也成功卖掉,清理数据时突然进入这个画面,强制关机也没用。买新机的喜悦一下子没有了,谁知道怎么处理吗?| 来自:OnePlus8Pro | 一加7系列 交流讨论 加入0赞分享发表评论…评论所有评论(6) 最多赞 V1641409981305 遇到过一次,不记得怎么处理的了,好像是强制关机。| 来自:OneP...
售后那是直接换主板,维修是修零件,你这个情况直接找个维修的修好把资料弄出来,然后直接换手机{:5_bis:}| 来自:OnePlus7Pro | 02-16, 2022 09:390赞回复mafucius 售后要我2000+,还给我格式化了。淘宝找了家280,不会清理内存。| 来自:OnePlus7Pro | 02-16, 2022 08:220赞回复我...
{packageName=com.google.android.apps.nexuslauncher, inputType=0, inputTypeString=NULL, enableLearning=false, autoCorrection=false, autoComplete=false, imeOptions=0, privateImeOptions=null, actionName=UNSPECIFIED, actionLabel=null, initialSelStart=-1, initialSelEnd=-1, initialCapsMode=0, label=nul...
首发入的8PRO,本周一第一次出现CARSH DUMPMODE(当时还是稳定版系统),刷了氢OS11公测版之后连续出现3次CARSH DUMPMODE加一次睡前一半电醒后却电池过低的故,大约在两小时前的最后一次CRASH DUMPMODE,重启没再醒来。很奇怪,按锁屏键系统回馈有声音,开机会有震动回馈,长按音量减加开机键后重启等选项能看到,音量键按...
Using v0.11.10 I tried doing hot reloads with this app on a few different devices but I didn't see this crash. The app throws an exception at startup, but making a trivial change to the code and doing a hot reload does not crash the app process. Is there something more specific th...
ANDROID_VERSION: '13' APP_VERSION_NAME: 1.17.0 AVAILABLE_MEM_SIZE: 66515013632 BRAND: OnePlus DATE: '2024-02-22' Message-ID: $2b$12$3caceefcc5113a86bc47auDy6MpO1E1OaEl2lfTZaQTzT2KU7kGRy PACKAGE_NAME: org.fdroid.fdroid PHONE_MODEL: CPH2401 STACK_TRACE_HASH: 90b48119 USER_COMMENT:...
I checked with another device, ZTE AXON7 Android7.0. Also changed Unity version to the latest 3.11f1. The result was the same, crash as soon as it launches. This time though, I got a better crash dump than on pixel4, looks like something to do with the vulkan lib. Hope this helps...
Occasionally I receive a native crash when I scroll through a list of GIF images inside a RecyclerView. Glide Version: 4.0.0 Integration libraries: OkHttp3 Device/Android Version: OnePlus 3T (Android 7), Samsung S7 (Android 6), Emulator ...
突然就跳crash dump mode了还有救吗?| 来自:OnePlus5 | 一加1-6系 交流讨论 加入0赞分享发表评论…评论所有评论(5) 最多赞 凌o少 大啾啾 发表于 2022-8-28 14:12CPU 锡焊脱落还能焊回去吗| 来自:OnePlus5 | 09-05, 2022 23:350赞回复大
I would like to try GDB on my rooted phone. Is debugging UPX simple enough for beginners like me? I never tried debugging libs, only used it to dump memory long time ago. I have tested the Artifacts, I got the invalid offset error again ...