Crash Course is one of the best ways to educate yourself, your classmates, and your family on YouTube!
Crash Course Kids, Science - Complete Series, Bundle | Digital & Printable Learn about Earth’s Systems, Ecosystems, Forces, Matter, and more! Point and Click for instant Science Mini-Lessons with Game-Based Assessment using Quizizz and Kahoot!• This ZIP file contains all nine of my Crash...
How toinstruct so kids will follow. *I agree to receive personalised marketing emails. Send me my videos! Getthe secretsofbrilliantkids yogainmyFREEcrash course! Here's what I cover: "This is such a valuable tool and the fact that it is free for instructors is incredible. ...
Crash Course: Kids: Con Sabrina Cruz. Welcome to "Crash Course: Kids!" We believe that learning should be exciting and approachable. This grade school science series delves into topics like earth science, physical science, biology, astronomy and much mor
Watch thousands of educational videos and review your learning with the Crash Course App! At Crash Course, we believe that high-quality educational content sh…
Kids on a crash courseProvides information on teenagers who engage in risky behavior in the United States.Health
(LEGO) Block Party_ Crash Course Kids是英文原版儿童科普视频 Crash Course Kids,孩子抢着都要学的宝藏课程86集的第1集视频,该合集共计42集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。
89 -- 3:47 App A Change of Scenery - Crash Course Kids #17.2 383 -- 5:00 App Light and Shadows for Kids _ Science Video for Kids 283 -- 3:16 App What is Spring? | Signs of Spring for Kids 927 -- 4:33 App Weather vs. Climate - Crash Course Kids #28.1 424 -- 6:...
John Green是美国儿童与青少年畅销书作家、Hank Green则是活耀于生物研究与环境保护,两人专精的领域虽然天差地远,但却又同时对影音部落格情有独锺,于是在2014年共同创办了Crash Course!。 Crash Course Kids!的教学影片有:物理、化学、生物、心理、历史、哲学、经济、政治…… ...
《Crash Course Kids》。 美国和加拿大的一些地区将这套视频用作小学生的自然科学课。每集大概在2-10分钟左右,会给小朋友们讲解一些基础的地球科学、大自然、动植物的知识,是很好的常识和语言类教育素材。 视频中主讲叫Sabrina,语速比较慢,口齿清晰,对孩子学习语言很有帮助。