crash at (someone's) place To sleep at someone else's house, apartment, etc., for a temporary period of time. A: "Where were you last night?" B: "I missed the last bus home, so I just crashed at Ben's place." You can crash at my place while you're visiting the city! Hey...
crash at (someone's) place To sleep at someone else's house, apartment, etc., for a temporary period of time.A: "Where were you last night?" B: "I missed the last bus home, so I just crashed at Ben's place."You can crash at my place while you're visiting the city!
这种情况下,人们通常称之为“crash at someone's place”。“Crash”还可以用作名词,表示猛烈的声音或重击。例如,“我听到了巨大的‘crash’声,当场被吓了一跳。”总的来说,“crash”的意思因上下文变化而变化。表明交通事故、突然的崩溃现象和猛烈的撞击声音等等,都可以用“crash”...
Von Wong likes to point out that every individual (替换为Every,与上段合为一段)straw that’s part ofhis installation (替换为Von Wong’s artwork)likely came from abeverage (替换为drink)that someonesipped for (替换为used for)only a few minutes. Once the drink is gone, the straw will take ...
to stay at someone's house for the night 〔留在别人家里〕过夜: 【例句】 Can I crash at your place on Saturday night? 星期六晚上我能在你家过夜吗? 7.2 【释义】 alsocrash outto go to bed, or go to sleep very quickly, because you are very tired ...
I was driving. Someonehitme. 我当时正在开车,一个人开车撞上了我。 Mayday,Mayday, wehitbirds. 遇险呼救,遇险呼救,我们的飞机撞到了鸟群。 It’s going down, it’ s gonnahitthe water. 飞机正在下降,将要撞到水面了。 碰了/撞了一下头
英文释义为:to stay at someone's house for the night. Can Icrashat your place on Saturday night? 星期六晚上我能在你家过夜吗? 此外,crash在口语中还有两个常见意思: ①crash (out) v.〔由于很疲倦〕很快入睡 Icrashed outon the sofa this afternoon. ...
Crash is not nearly as good as everyone has hyped it up to be and here's why: The film is filled with drama and it's mostly forced. What I mean is, the film abandons logic so we conveniently find characters facing the most dramatic, heart-wrenching scenarios imaginable. Of course, thi...
As he from the floor, he saw some boys laughing at him.6. Having all this information in one place could saving people's life.7. If you love someone, you will like everything that him.8. Most of all we our family, friends and teachers. ...
To extend the analogy, a telescope is like a bucket with a funnel at the bottom.继续我们的类比的话,望远镜就像底部是个漏斗的水桶。All that light that it collects is then concentrated, focused, and sent into your eye.它收集到的所有光线都被汇聚,送入你的眼睛。It turns a trickle of light ...