The three most common types are Crouzon, Apert, and Pfeiffer syndromes. These syndromes can be due to genetic abnormalities or may occur for unknown reasons. Surgical treatment and supportive therapy can allow better outcomes. A Word From Verywell Learning that your baby has a craniosynostosis synd...
Over 8 types of open surgical techniques were identified and 5 different minimally invasive procedures were described. Minimally invasive procedures were exclusively seen in the youngest patient cohort, while open cranial vault reconstructions were often seen in the 2 older cohorts. Endoscopic surgery ...
Cognitive dysfunction, particularly affecting speech and learning abilities, is found to various degrees in all types of single-suture synostosis (Table 7.2.4). Problems with self-esteem occur in up to 10% [9].doi:10.1007/978-3-540-79565-0_29Marie Lise C. van Veelen-Vincent...
Indication for and surgical outcomes of the distraction method in various types of craniosynostosis. Advantages, disadvantages, and current concepts for su... Background Various surgical techniques for the treatment of craniosynostosis using distraction devices have been described over the last few years ...
Cranial distraction osteogenesis has been applied as a mode of therapy to patients with various types of craniosynostosis. Several minor complications during distraction have been reported in the previous literature, including infection, device exposure, and dislocation and distortion of the device. To ou...
These approaches have shown comparable functional and cosmetic outcomes when compared to open techniques, with the added benefits of less blood loss, reduced need for blood transfusion, and shorter operative times and hospital stays.1 There are different types of techniques depending on the suture ...
Indication for and surgical outcomes of the distraction method in various types of craniosynostosis. Advantages, disadvantages, and current concepts for surgical strategy in the treatment of craniosynostosis. Childs Nerv Syst 2004;20:702-709Yuichiro Nonaka,Shizuo Oi,Takeshi Miyawaki,Akihiko Shinoda,...
The objective of the present study was to examine the association between different types of complications and hospitalization outcomes in patients having surgical repair for craniosynostosis. The Nationwide Inpatient Sample for 2004 through 2010 was used. All patientsup to 3 years old who underwent ...
Thirteen studies met the inclusion criteria and were included in the review. Of the thirteen papers examined on the application of ML to the identification and treatment of craniosynostosis, two papers were dedicated to sagittal craniosynostosis, five papers utilized several different types of ...
Background Distraction osteogenesis has gained popularity in the treatment of different types of craniosynostosis. We aimed to present the technique of 1-piece fronto-orbital distraction with midline splitting osteotomy but without bandeau for the treatment of metopic craniosynostosis, and the protocol of...