Our system incorporated models consisting of YOLOv4 for one-stage fracture detection and improved ResUNet (ResUNet++) for the segmentation of cranial and facial bones. The results from the two models mapped together provided the location of the fracture and the name of the fractured bone as the...
UExcel Weather and Climate: Study Guide & Test Prep Earth Science: Middle School Weather and Climate Astronomy 101: Intro to Astronomy Browse by Lessons Facial Bones of the Skull: Structures & Functions Cat Skull Anatomy, Features & Functions Head Anatomy | Parts, Bones & Structure Parietal Bone...
Five of them were disintegrated into component bones by the use of the papain. Each cranial and facial bone of this species resembled that of the rhesus monkey (M. mulatta) in its general morphology. Some obvious differences, however, were noticed in the detailed structure of the skulls ...
Related to basicranial:basicranial axis (ˌbæsɪˈkreɪnɪəl) adj (Anatomy)anatomyof or relating to the base of the skull Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 201...
The oculomotor nerve (III), the throclear nerve (IV) and the abducent nerve (VI) control the extrinsic muscles of the eyeball. The trigeminal nerve (V), the facial nerve (VII), the glossopharyngeal nerve (IX), the vagus nerve (X) and the accessory nerve (XI) are known as branchial...
2.(Anatomy)anatomya type of immovable joint, esp between the bones of the skull (cranial suture) 3.(Knitting & Sewing) a seam or joining, as in sewing 4.(Zoology)zoologya line of junction in a mollusc shell, esp the line between adjacent chambers of a nautiloid shell ...
The axial views of the orbits and the face end here with the appearance of the frontal sinus (76). Examples of pathologic changes of the orbits or fractures of facial bones are found on pages 61 to 63. The possibilites of angling the CT gantry are limited. In order to achieve scans in...
Contrary to this suggestion is the observation that the cranium is composed of often loosely articulated facial bones, although these bones may have performed a shock–absorption role. The structural analysis technique finite element analysis (FEA) is employed here to investigate the functional ...
facial muscles and glands (salivary, lacrimal, mucous) vestibulocochlear functions hearing, balance, equilibrium glossopharyngeal area supplied pharynx and salivary gland (taste) vagus area supplied pharynx (swallowing/taste) and larynx (speech), viscera of throracic and abdominal ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook cra·ni·al base [TA] the sloping floor of the cranial cavity. It comprises both the external base of cranium (external view) and the internal base of cranium (internal view). Synonym(s):basis cranii[TA],basicranium☆ ,base of cranium ...