cranberry juice 读音:美英 cranberry juice基本解释 小红莓汁;酸果汁;蔓越莓汁;红莓汁;蔓越橘汁 分词解释 cranberry[植]蔓越橘 juice果汁
Cranberry Juice 释义 越橘汁 实用场景例句 全部 Trinny: It's made with peach 2 schnapps, vodka, and orange andcranberry juice. 崔妮: 这是用水蜜桃杜松子酒 、 伏特加, 以及柳橙和小红莓汁调成. 互联网 Other high - ranking products include cloudy apple juice andcranberry juicedrink....
自制蔓越莓汁(cranberry juice)的做法步骤 步骤1 新鲜的蔓越莓一大包 步骤2 蔓越莓清洗干净 步骤3 每颗蔓越莓切开,比较容易烧开。 步骤4 加水一起煮沸,转中火煮15分钟。蔓越莓果肉会满满脱离。 步骤5 过滤掉果渣 加一点柠檬汁,糖,再次煮开,糖融化开。关火冷却。 步骤7 装杯,或放冷藏后继续饮用。
juicen. 1.[U,C]果汁,体内分泌液,体液 2.[C,usually pl.]肉汁 3.[C,usually pl.]胃液,消化液 4.[U](informal)汽油 5.[U](inf Juice果蔬汁 appetite juice【医】 食欲[胃]液 bug juicen. 【俚】劣质的酒;不平常的或混合的酒 juice headn. <美俚>酒鬼,嗜饮烈酒的人 ...
所以,在这一段时间可以吃到新鲜的蔓越莓。而在其它的时间,经常食用到的是冷冻蔓越莓 (Frozen Cranberry)、蔓越莓干 (Dried Cranberry)、蔓越莓果汁 (Cranberry Juice) 或者蔓越莓片剂 (Cranberry Supplement)。1. 新鲜/冷冻蔓越莓 以蔓越莓最原始的状态食用,可以获得几乎所有的蔓越莓营养物质,食用方法也多种多样。比如...
Cranberry juice, a tart deep red drink, is commonly found in most grocery stores. This beverage, especially in its purest form, is an amazing addition to your diet. Cranberries are regarded as a superfood due to their excellent antioxidant and nutrient content. Usually, they aren’t eaten ra...
Product Type:Juice, Fruit Juice Concentrate Place of Origin:California,United States Primary Ingredient:Cranberry Type:Concentrate Brix:67+/-1 (Brix 68) Certification:HACCP Packaging;drums Weight (kg):272.6 Shelf Life:Minimum of 3 years (36 months) from the Production Date 产品描述: 产品类型:果汁...
Become a member to see Box Office information about Cranberry Juice. Try IMDbPro Premium for free Release date 七月15, 2023 (Canada) Awards 1 win & 3 nominations Contacts + Add Become a member to see contact information for Cranberry Juice. Try IMDbPro Premium for free Cast Filmmak...
蔓越莓汁是一种具有多重保健功能的天然饮品,其价值体现在健康功效、历史应用及日常饮用建议等方面。它富含抗氧化成分,有助于预防尿路感染、改善女性健康,并可作为鸡尾酒调制原料。以下从核心功效、历史背景及实用建议三个角度展开说明。 一、核心健康功效 抗氧化与免疫力提升 蔓越莓汁含有维...