In the “Changes on CRAN” section of the latest version of the The R Journal (Vol. 10/2, December 2018) had this short blurb entitled “CRAN mirror security”: Currently, there are 100 official CRAN mirrors, 68 of which provide both secure downloads via
Inspired by this post (suggested here by the always useful Revolutions blog), I attempted to plot the position of CRAN mirrors on a map taking advantage of the nice R package RgoogleMaps (check the dependencies!). Below the code: library(XML) # downlo...
78: Uruguay [https] 79: (other mirrors) Selection: 18 > getOption("repos") ##显示如下,证明选择成功,是中国科技大学的 CRAN "" attr(,"RStudio") [1] TRUE 在View中Zoom in 和out调整页面放大的比例,合适即可。 安装完成,可以进行正常的R语言的学习和实操了。 of Songkla University, Hatyai UK USA Many of these sites can also be accessed using FTP. In addition, severalStatLibmirrors around the world provide a complete CRAN mirror. If you want to host a new mirror at your institution, please have a look...
Select one of these mirrors and specify it in character string format as repos within the install.packages function:install.packages("dplyr", # Using repos argument repos = "")Now, the installation of the package should work without any problems....
to be installed with the package in an empty package library with the package, and hence it can be used to + remove unnecessary dependencies that “drag” with them all sorts of other packages + identify packages that are heavy for the CRAN mirrors + produced some neat visuals for the ...
R语言 chooseCRANmirror 位于utils 包(package)。 说明 与用户交互以选择 CRAN 镜像。 用法 chooseCRANmirror(graphics = getOption(""), ind = NULL, local.only = FALSE) getCRANmirrors(all = FALSE, local.only = FALSE) 参数 graphics 逻辑性强。如果为 true,则使用图形列表:在 Windows...
R语言提供了一个函数`getCRANmirrors()`来获取可用的CRAN镜像列表。在R控制台中输入这个函数可以获取到当前可用的CRAN镜像的详细信息。该函数返回一个数据框,包含CRAN镜像的URL、名称、国家/地区和是否支持HTTPS等信息。 步骤3:选择合适的CRAN镜像 从步骤2获取到的CRAN镜像列表中,可以选择一个距离自己位置近、访问速度...
2、R社区——CRAN Mirrors: 主要功能:世界各地镜像地,挑一个离你近的。R镜像是为了方便世界各地的使用者下载R软件及相关软件包,在各地设置的镜像。各地的镜像都是R网站的备份文件,完全一样。所以,选择离你最近的镜像,你下载R软件或R包的速度相对较快。
This application lets you view the downloads from RStudio's CRAN mirrors on any given day. It lets you specifically focus on the top downloaders ("whales"), who download tens of thousands of packages, usually with pretty curious access patterns. ...