Nocturnal leg cramps are a tight, knotted feeling in your legs that happens at night. They can last several seconds to several minutes. If the cramp is severe, your muscle may be sore for days. Leg cramps are different from restless legs syndrome. Both tend to happen at night, but restle...
Supplement therapy with vitamins B, D, C, and magnesium can improve the symptoms of nocturnal leg cramps. For example,vitamin C helps in energy production at a cellular level in muscle fibers. Similarly, vitamin B12 improves the function of nerve-muscle junctions in patients experiencing leg cram...
Eat more foods high invitaminsand magnesium andcalcium. Stay well-hydrated. Stretch properly beforeexercise. When Should I Call the Doctor? In most cases, you can take care of a leg cramp. It will likely stop within minutes. But if you get them often and for no clear reason, tell your...
Leg cramps at night are an unfortunately common ailment that can strike anyone for a variety of reasons. Pregnant women and the elderly are particularly susceptible, as are those who engage in particular sports activities or who take...