We end up throwing some things away and donating other items. Other times though, we’ll end up with stuff that is still in really good condition but is no longer used in our home, so we’ll take to Craigslist or Facebook yard sales to sell it. I have also sold a lot of things ...
Oh, yes, I’ve scored a million and one great things at yardsales, but just last weekend, I got a freebie while yardsaling. A really gorgeous outdoor fountain which I’ll be setting up next spring along with a little landscaping project. I posted it on my Monday’s post this week ...
Is posting a yard sale on Craigslist free? Community Answer Yes. Not Helpful 2 Helpful 7 See more answers Ask a Question Submit Tips You can renew your post every 48 hours up to the date of your event. Doing this bumps it back up to the top of the page to make sure that...