We found out he was working out of a computer/coffee shop in the UK, and there were men from Nigeria having money wired to the UK via Western Union, and they were forwarding the money to Nigeria. I am tried of being ripped off on craigslist. Now these people from Nigeria, are coming...
westkywestern KY batonrougebaton rouge cenlacentral louisiana houmahouma lafayettelafayette lakecharleslake charles monroemonroe neworleansnew orleans shreveportshreveport mainemaine annapolisannapolis baltimorebaltimore easternshoreeastern shore frederickfrederick ...
Kentucky:bgky, :cincinnati, :huntington, :lexington, :louisville, :westkyLouisiana:batonrouge, :lafayette, :lakecharles, :monroe, :neworleans, :shreveportMaine:maineMaryland:annapolis, :baltimore, :easternshore, :smd, :westmdMass:boston, :capecod, :southcoast, :westernmass, :worcester...
Kentucky:bgky, :cincinnati, :huntington, :lexington, :louisville, :westkyLouisiana:batonrouge, :lafayette, :lakecharles, :monroe, :neworleans, :shreveportMaine:maineMaryland:annapolis, :baltimore, :easternshore, :smd, :westmdMass:boston, :capecod, :southcoast, :westernmass, :worcester...