He is asking for copy of drivers license, and personal information to Rent this home at 3921 Eastdale Drive in Fayetteville, NC. This home is NOT for rent, has never been for rent and will never be for rent. He is using the name Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Richard. This has been reported, ...
check with your vet. Those most commonly used are AVID, HomeAgain and 24Pet Watch. Be prepared with records and "a picture is worth a thousand words". Rabies Certificate for the tag number. City License with the tag number Animal Control number. 5 Phone your vet, emergency vets and ani...
It’s a business for them. If they give you some sort of sad story, then it is most likely a scam. Lots of Craigslist rental scammers will give you a sob story such as having to move to take care of family, being forced to move due to the military, or something else. Don’t b...
check with your vet. Those most commonly used are AVID, HomeAgain and 24Pet Watch. Be prepared with records and "a picture is worth a thousand words". Rabies Certificate for the tag number. City License with the tag number Animal Control number. 5 Phone your vet, emergency vets and ani...
Who is Craig, and what's on his list? If you have something to sell, or something to say, and you haven't heard of Craigslist, read on...Craigslist: Are Newspaper Classifieds Dead? Craigslist is sometimes blamed (and praised) for killing the traditional classified ad business, some call...