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If you’re local (Tucson, AZ), I have a very nice RV-6 listed both on CN and Craigslist. I can’t bring myself to part out such a wonderful scope, so either it sells or I keep it. Cs, Charles https://tucson.craig...7794752868.html Attached Thumbnails Edited by greedyshark, 19...
Big Upgrade for my K10-76...BORG 90FL Lens + Cell Kit IOB: BIN $803. Lens looks VG. Nice! Clean!!Vixen A105M F10 OTA w/ Rings + Finder + Eyepieces + Manuals: BIN $300... VG Price. Rare...VixenAD-...
I have tried many many times to post an item on Tucson AZ craigslist under antiques for sale, every time I post it, craigslist IMMEDIATELY removes it, I have submitted email under the help section three times, to NO avail, craigslist will NOT give me a reason for removing my post and ...
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Location:New Hampshire - Live Free or Die PostedNovember 30, 2020 89 MJ Members 5.6k Location:Holmen, WI and Tucson, AZ PostedNovember 30, 2020 The interior looks dirty, but nice. Good looking truck overall. It looks like it would be a great driver for someone....