Deep east texas (och). Fayetteville, AR (fyv). Fort smith, AR (fsm). Galveston, TX (gls). Houston, TX (hou). Killeen / temple / ft hood (grk). Lake charles, LA (lkc). Lawton, OK (law). Lubbock, TX (lbb). Monroe, LA (mlu). San angelo, TX (sjt). San marcos, TX (...
I'm an Arlington, Texas Sustainable Living Dad posting here to blow off steam when something is getting my goat or just odds and ends; things I find funny or interesting. I like to write about self reliant living, current events, humor and just life in general. These may indeed be the...
sanangelo san angelo sanantonio san antonio sanmarcos san marcos bigbend southwest TX texoma texoma easttexas tyler east TX victoriatx victoria waco waco wichitafalls wichita falls logan logan ogden ogden-clearfield provo provo orem saltlakecity salt lake city stgeorge st george vermont vermont cha...