Beware of any seller who requests personal financial informationsuch as a bank account number, credit card number, or Paypal email address. Identity theft is often one of the objects of Craigslist scams. Likewise, if you are applying for a job listed on Craigslist,do not cooperate in any back...
How Craigslist Escrow Scams Work These scams involve two important steps. First, a scammer creates a listing on Craigslist for something valuable, often at a bargain price. Potential buyers responding to the posting eventually want to know how the transaction will be handled. Responders are told t...
Filters are your best friend on Craigslist. Use them to sort jobs based on type, industry, and other critical factors. This cuts out the noise and helps you focus on the jobs that matter. Beware of Scams Craigslist is known to be a mixed bag, and the job section is no different. Be ...
I get tired of these kinds of email scams on craigslist, it just makes me not want to sell anything at all. I think that at this point the website would be smarter setting up a kind of registered community, so that when fake people contact you like this they can be reported and remo...
Login to Reply or Kudo kernowlass Esteemed Advisor Options Sep-06-2016 08:11 AM @RokU2XS Yep scams been ongoing for years, glad you were not caught out. Just remember >> Paypal NEVER tell you to send trackable, they advise it for seller protection etc but it is not compulsor...
There are a lot of scams out there awaiting the unwary. Luckily, there’s something you can do that might help you avoid going home with a counterfeit that costs nothing but a little of you time. Make sure you know what the tickets you’re purchasing are supposed to look like. ...
Type scams in the box and read how they operate Be VERY careful selling cars/large items if the buyer is keen to use paypal and states they are working abroad or sending to a friend etc and need a shipping agent to pick it up.. ...
In this article we break down the most common Craigslist rental scams and how to avoid getting ripped off in the process. See exactly what scammers...
I intentionally did not attach any pictures. A genuine buyer would have noticed this of course. Instead, the scammer proceeded with the next step, revealing his true intent: From Dave Smith <>To: meHello,Thanks for your reply i got all your information about ...
and why gay life still sucks in 2009 →. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Enter your comment here. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:. Address never made public). You are commenting using your account. ( Log Out. Notify me of new comments via email. ...