Craigslist San Diego Privacy PolicyCategories News Craigslist Job posting scam Just recently a woman responded to a craigslist advertisement of a job as a house cleaner. The lady was very excited about the job because the employer informed her that he would give her a $2,400 check wherein...
An email link will be sent to your chosen email address to pay for your job posting. How to Search Resumes for Free on Craigslist: Navigate Select your city. At the bottom of the page, click on "resumes." You can browse all the listed resumes in your city. ...
Once you are on the Craigslist website, click on the “Create a posting” button in the top left corner (see picture below). Next, select the “resume/job wanted” option and then click “continue.” Finally, select “I am an individual seeking employment.” Again, click “continue.” ...
(Search for specific thing in “Los Angeles” for example, but leave all search terms the same and switch city on web to “San Diegos ” and bingo, you found it!). Not possible on mobile. Grrrrr. So if you are traveling out of state, and wanted to see if the local cities had ...
Craigslist generates income solely from help wanted ads, and offers a month's posting of a job ad at significantly lower cost than traditional print ads, and even lower cost than the leading career websites like, Careerbuilder or Hotjobs. In fact, a Wall Street Journal report in...
“Los Angeles” for example, but leave all search terms the same and switch city on web to “San Diegos ” and bingo, you found it!). Not possible on mobile. Grrrrr. So if you are traveling out of state, and wanted to see if the local cities had that esoteric collectible, you ...
The job posting fee in Boston, Los Angeles, New York City, San Diego, Seattle and Washington, D.C. is $25, while the fee in San Francisco is $75. The fee authorizes the user to post a job in one category -- if the user wishes to post the same job in multiple categories, he ...
9 Comments on Craigslist Job posting scam Just recently a woman responded to a craigslist advertisement of a job as a house cleaner. The lady was very excited about the job because the employer informed her that he would give her a $2,400 check wherein she would get the $400 for her...
9 Comments on Craigslist Job posting scam Just recently a woman responded to a craigslist advertisement of a job as a house cleaner. The lady was very excited about the job because the employer informed her that he would give her a $2,400 check wherein she would get the $400 for her...