Barbara Blanco from Dallas, TX Oct 29, 2015 20 I have been receiving local calls and random text messages of sexual nature since Monday. I have never posted any or ever been on Craigslist Dallas back page or Craigslist for that matter. I didn't even know what Dallas back page was ...
(abi). Austin, TX (aus). Beaumont / port arthur (bpt). Brownsville, TX (bro). College station, TX (cst). Corpus christi, TX (crp). Dallas / fort worth (dal). Deep east texas (och). Del rio / eagle pass (drt). Galveston, TX (gls). Houston, TX (hou). Laredo, TX (lrd)...
text preferred two/0/eight-six/five/ninerr-sicty nine sicty five. Major Mitchells Cockatoos for sale. Super sweet baby. However, a cockatoos personal hygiene may include a weekly shower or bath to get rid of accumulated feather dust. Bathing a cockatoo in anything other than plain water can...
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