yellow bird- $150 grey and red- $120 . we have a pair of African grey parrots now looking for everhome . Western Union), cashier checks, money orders, shipping. Citrons that feel neglected will quickly resort to screaming and destructive behaviors. portland for sale "cockatoo" - craigslist....
Michelle Nester from Northwood, NH Mar 02, 2019 20 I am writing to complain about a resent scam I was just involved in. It took place on Friday 3/1/19. I was on looking for Celtics tickets and found 2 for sale. I contact the phone number provided in the ad and they told me...
(Ongoing Thinking Out Loud based on the conversation spawned by this post) So my question for Craigslist is this: Once Yahoo or Google decide to do a vertical listings engine – and they will, at some point or in some fashion – will Craigslist bar them as well? If… (Ongoing Thinking ...