I am receiving numerous replies that I consider vulgar, such as: let’s meet, I’m near you, email me if you’re for real, you sound exciting, etc. It’s so overwhelming that I am afraid to reply to the people that seem to really be interested in our merchandise. Help! Would you...
Charlotte, NC CORT Rental Showroom and Clearance Center. 4744 South Boulevard, Suite B. Charlotte, NC 28217. Hours: Mon-Fri 9-6, Sat 10-5, Sunday CLOSED. Enter your city or zip to find your Clearance Center. Other Locations Near You. Create your personalized shopping list when you browse...
Going to look at the NC Unitron on Friday if it’s still there. I regret selling the 140 I had a few years ago. Would like to find another. All that worries me about this one are the sleaks on the objective. Hopefully not scratches… Unitron 140 https://www.ebay.com...:Bk9SR7...
Coulter 10" Dob for $150 near Boston, MA https://boston.craig...7360561457.html Questar for $3500 (Is that a crazy price? It seems high, but I don't track Questar pricing very closely) near Orlando https://orlando.crai...7360327584.html Meade LX6 and C8 forks, tripod, wedge, no...
Raleigh, NC CORT Furniture Rental Showroom and Clearance Center. 1905 New Hope Church Road. Raleigh, NC 27609. Hours: Mon-Fri 9-6, Sat 10-5, Sunday Closed. Enter your city or zip to find your Clearance Center. Other Locations Near You. Create your personalized shopping list when you bro...