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South Bend Classifieds - Free Classifieds Ads for South Bend, Indiana, Michigan at eBay Classifieds (Kijiji). Free, Friendly, Local. Location : South Bend. Create Your FREE Ad. Baby and kid stuff. Short term and sublets. Trucks, vans, and SUVs. Art, music and decor. Hotel, airline and...
COGWA - Louisville, KY. Saturdays, 3 pm EST. 208 W Court Ave. Jeffersonville, IN 47130. L Exit #0 off I-65, east-bound. L On left between Michigan and Kentucky Ave. L Park in 6th St lot in back. Dec 22, 2017 - Dec 26, 2017. Sabbath services at 2:30pm EDT, 12/23/17....
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Buckmaster joined Craigslist’s team of 10 as a software programmer in 2000. In 1986, he dropped out of medical school at the University of Michigan but continued to hang around campus to study classics and doing data entry work. He eventually began teaching himself how to program and went ...
Michigan Man Attacked After Responding to Fake Craigslist Ad When a father and son responded to an ad to buy a car in Battle Creek, MI, the last thing they expected was to be attacked by three men - but that's exactly what happened. Luckily, the father was packing heat and was able ...
Location: North Central Michigan 43 posted 15 years ago Oh I wasn't complaining about craigslist..if it had not been for craigslist I would not have sold my MIL's house..which we were very grateful for as 2 real estate agents over 2 years never showed it once. ...
We know that Craigslist Chicago is colloquially known as “Second City” or “Windy City”, is the third city with the greatest number of people in the U.S., behind New York and Los Angeles. Chicago is in Illinois, along the southwest coast of Lake Michigan. It is part of Chicagoland...
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