Craigslist is sometimes known for its strange ads, but this one takes the cake, or in this case, the eight ball. A Florida man decided to post online that he was “new to the area” and on the hunt for crack or ice. Oh, he found the “hookup,” but it wasn’t what he expecte...
jacksonville lakeland north central FL ocala okaloosa / walton orlando panama city pensacola sarasota-bradenton south florida space coast st augustine tallahassee tampa bay area treasure coast west palm beach Georgia albany athens atlanta augusta
jacksonville lakeland north central FL ocala okaloosa / walton orlando panama city pensacola sarasota-bradenton south florida space coast st augustine tallahassee tampa bay area treasure coast west palm beach Georgia albany athens atlanta augusta
If you live in Jacksonville, Florida, but you plan to move to Las Vegas, Nevada, you'd click "U.S. Cities" and then "Las Vegas." To search a lesser-known town, like Boulder City, Nevada, click "U.S. States" and then "Nevada." From there, you'll be able to navigate to the ...
Florida:daytona, :keys, :fortmyers, :gainesville, :jacksonville, :lakeland, :ocala, :orlando :panamacity, :pensacola, :sarasota, :miami, :spacecoast, :staugustine, :tallahassee, :tampa, :treasureGeorgia:athensga, :atlanta, :augusta, :brunswick, :columbusga, :macon, :savannah, :valdosta...
cflheartland florida jacksonvillejacksonville lakelandlakeland miamimiami dade lakecitynorth central FL ocalaocala okaloosaokaloosa walton orlandoorlando panamacitypanama city pensacolapensacola sarasotasarasota-bradenton spacecoastspace coast staugustinest augustine ...
A West Jacksonville man was shot in the leg during a gunfight Wednesday afternoon when at least two men whom he had sold a car to off Craigslist returned soon after demanding their money back.U.S. NewspapersThe Florida Times Union
"It's not going to present that opportunity." Florida lawmakers are hoping to establish Craigslist safe haven programs in every county in the state. The sheriff's office in Jacksonville is set to be next to roll out the program. In: Florida...
Florida:daytona, :keys, :fortmyers, :gainesville, :jacksonville, :lakeland, :ocala, :orlando :panamacity, :pensacola, :sarasota, :miami, :spacecoast, :staugustine, :tallahassee, :tampa, :treasureGeorgia:athensga, :atlanta, :augusta, :brunswick, :columbusga, :macon, :savannah, :valdosta...