Press to search craigslist. Albany, GA (aby). Asheville, NC (ash). Athens, GA (ahn). Atlanta, GA (atl). Auburn, AL (aub). Augusta, GA (aug). Boone, NC (bnc). Brunswick, GA (bwk). Charleston, SC (chs). Charleston, WV (crw). Charlotte, NC (cha). Chattanooga, TN (cht)....
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Craigler.find('Boulevard M50', :in => :california, :only => :motorcycles) do |item| puts item.title puts item.url puts item.time endYou can also create a search object to fetch the results later. When no location or category is given Craigler searches :all_for_sale_or_wanted :in ...
When no location or category is given Craigler searches :all_for_sale_or_wanted :in => :anywheresearch ='Yamaha') search.results() Note that the results are cached until you instruct craigler to update them.